About Me

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Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Finally Pictures

We haven't taken too many pictures lately because....really who wants to see sick people, but we managed to squeeze in some with pumpkins, carving painting. More with costumes, later.

Unfortunately this was the only picture I got of them carving the pumpkin, I was too sick to be doing much else, and now that I look at it WOW that's a really big knife.
She just loves him so much, she's such a big help.
Instead of our Art Friday (we didn't want to get our friends sick..we just painted our pumpkins).
Yes even he got to paint one, he was so excited.
My wild child lots of discipline over the last several weeks, trying desperately to be consistent with her, so hard when you love them so much and they make you so crazy.
Love that smile.
Working very intently. -Always has to have pink..
Final product, our painted pumpkins and our, crying toddler (its a representation of the crying that goes on in our house at 5:30 during the week..HAHA).

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love the pumpkins...especially the crying toddler! So sorry you have been so under the weather. Praying it will end soon!