About Me

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Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow Bound

So we have been snowbound for the last few days...like everyone else in the Washington Metro region...actually we could have went out today, but we had a play date with Anna and Sabine. I didn't get any pictures because we were all a little busy, it got a little hairy when the girls decided they were going to play train the dog after playing with dolls for a while, but they had a good time and it was a long time since we have seen them.

After they went home, the girls went out to play with the boys next door and they wound up coming over for a short while and they all helped me make snowcream....thanks everyone for their recipes. We had wanted to make this since my friend Heather suggested it yesterda, and then reading the different versions on Leighann's and Courtney's blog, but I didn't have any real milk or cream, so I couldn't do it before today. So thanks Cindy for stopping at the store for me on your way to pick up the girls.
I thought it was kind of slushy and watery, although the chocolate helped, but all the kids loved it and the boys went home and told Josh and Cara they needed to make snowcream..LOL..
It almost felt like Grand Central station here, with kids in and out all day but I was actually able to clean 3 bathrooms (thanks to my little helpers) another load of laundry, several returned phone calls and some bookkeeping done....Lord knows that's not a favorite activity.
So we have baked muffins, shoveled snow, built trains, puzzles, schooling and tonight we topped off the night with art. We painted today because I promised like a week ago and well I finally had to just say yes instead of we will.....soon...and try to fit it into our crazy schedule. I know it's just paint, but I'm still trying to draw and cut out the right size Flat Stanley's to send to my sister in India...he may even have to go to see Renee and Damien in Thailand....before heading to Hungry to see Zach, Julie and their boys. Hopefully I can get them done this week, the girls will love it if I can pull it off, within a reasonable amount of time.
We are looking forward to getting out of the house this weekend, although we used to look forward to our weekends, now it's a series of go, go, go, with basketball games, tomorrow a birthday party and Awana on Sunday... it will almost be a relief for Monday to come..haha. I for one will be glad that Michael returns tonight, he was even able to get an earlier flight back...YIPPEE...They have continued to plow our streets today trying to widen the streets in our neighborhood and one of the plows blocked my driveway...you can imagine I just about had a fit, but I graciously asked them if they could kindly move the big pile that was now in my driveway to the side so I could get in and out. He obliged but I still had to shovel a little so that it was wide enough for when Michael came home and for me if I needed to get out.
(I love this little man, even if he makes me absolutely crazy with his 2 year old screeching). So that has been our experience the last few days. The weather on line says we are going to get some light snow next week so we'll see...really there are only 51 days till spring. Can't wait.


Courtney said...

ha! this was such a fun post! it was quite a week, huh?? :-)

Elizabeth said...

Hey Michelle,

We are in SA now and I have begun blogging again. :) I love your posts and pictures. Thanks for being such an encouragement!