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Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.

Monday, September 6, 2010

End of Summer

I supposed I should put up some pictures of a reflection of what we did this summer but the truth is, it's all kind of a blur. I have loved every moment (well almost) and we have had a very fun and busy summer.

Truth is I am looking forward to beginning school, since we home school I am not too sad that school is starting because it means we get to get back to our routine...in case you were wondering I like routine, my family does well in a routine....now don't get me wrong there is a difference between routine and mundane...and I crave our routine. Our family works best when everyone knows what to expect and what's coming next, there is no guess work or lazy days of summer (believe me we enjoy those too...sometimes a little too much), but for us knowing what comes next helps us to do the work that is before us....Sometimes it's school work, sometimes it's housework and sometimes...not too often enough it's God's work.

So what are the things that I will miss about the summer.....

sleeping in....at least for us past 7:00am

swimming at the pool... even with four kids...one of them a little afraid of the water

visiting with friends and family.....(loved our trip to the beach...
not the sick part...Chicago, Atlanta and New York)

Loved our families visiting us at different time.....
Thanks Guys

fresh fruit from my garden ...it took all summer but we finally got some kind of carrots and just today I noticed a green pepper growing, the first one since we planted back in April...I loved our tomatoes and cucumbers ...we were not successful on zucchini, strawberries or watermelon, but OH Boy did we have a lot of green beans...Yum.

the different camps the girls did that gave me time alone with my little guys (sometimes I feel they get neglected during the school year)

Over all I'll miss the warm summer days, flip flops, shorts and barbecues (although we'll still barbecue until it gets too cold) I won't miss the weather being too hot to walk...I like to sleep in so getting up at 6:00am was not really conducive to my sleep habits...LOL..

Most of all I'll miss the freeness of summer(is freeness a word), not having to worry about curriculum or early bed times and questions of "what are we doing tomorrow?" and the answer being "I don't know let's just see what the day brings."

AAAHHHH the lazy days of summer, we will miss you but we know you will be with us again....now on to some cooler, more colorful fall days.

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