We had a full day of celebration with this little guy, he was so excited it was his birthday. We opened up some presents in the morning after breakfast, he actually was dancing around the room. We opened another present after nap time and the last of the presents after dinner. Notice the potty book (since we are potty training this summer, easier in the summer) and the water table for outside (he LOVES water), dinosaur and a truck (boy toys...so weird with three older girls).

He is such a sweet little boy, I can see the little boy coming out in him, he never backs down from his sisters and is always ready to defend a toy, he is VERY verbal and somehow in the last month his vocabulary has become unbelievable. He can hold a conversation with the best of them and sometimes when I can't understand him, it only takes one of his sisters to explain it to me.
I love the fact that he wants to do is own thing, although he's learning that he really does need to hold my hand when we are out and about, but he still wants to cuddle with mommy and "pick up you, mommy" is his favorite words. If I am sitting somewhere he wants to sit on my lap especially if I'm playing on the floor. He loves to climb and do all the things the big kids do, yet he knows when he has done something wrong and when you tell him to apologize he says "I sorry". Sometimes he will just say 'I wuv you mommy" and it brings tears to my eyes. I know he won't always be this sweet and cute but I am savoring every moment of it.

1 comment:
Sweet! Happy birthday Jaden!
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