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Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

NO Pics - Just an Observation

OK So all the home school mom's I've talked to have prepared me for the chaos your house will become when you home school.

1. Your house will never be as clean as when your children are not there all day.
2. You will have to work hard at finding time to do your errands other than the middle of the day when you kids are at school.
3. You have to try and find a little time to yourself, even if it's only 1/2 an hour a day, so you don't go crazy.
4. You will be so busy making sure your kids have enough social activities, (after all part of going to a regular school is the socialization) that you will find it hard to get in all of your school work.
Finally, it is super hard to get any type of schooling routine done with little ones around (they have no idea how hard).

So while we have experienced all of these things....

I have let my house go to some degree, after all I can't live in a pigsty so I have to make sure things are picked up at least by 5:00.

I try to do errands on Sat mornings, or when Michael comes home from work depending on how bad that errand needs to be done.

I usually stop doing school around 3:00 or so and the smaller children are still sleeping so I usually have about an hour to myself until they wake up, and Jordan and Kaleigh are either watching TV or playing on the computer, or playing with their friends once they come off the bus.

We are starting to get a little too social with our calendar, although they love it and we do school in the afternoon and that's fine, but figuring out how much school work can get done and still be social is still the balance.

Finally figuring out how to entertain Madison and Jaden while doing school is a HUGE challenge but, we found some good activities to do for them, small things that seems to be really working and doing school with Madison is working great. She gets 15-20 minutes of my day first and she loves it and can now name up to 5 colors and is working on recognizing the letters A and M. So cute.

What I was not expecting was how much my laundry would suffer. If I have to have it piled up clean in laundry baskets that's one thing but some days I can't get a load in until it's too late. If I skip a day or two of laundry, I'm in big trouble...I guess I just need a bigger washing machine so I CAN get more laundry done in shorter amount of time. Guess I know what we will be saving up for this year.


Megan said...

Thanks for the insights Michelle! I am considering doing homeschooling, so the more information I have, the better my final decision making will go. It is good to see the "real" side of it. Any good blogs you recommend for homeschooling?

Courtney said...

michelle - you are doing GREAT! i'm amazed at how well you are handling all the adjustments...and keeping your priorities in line!

Jenkins said...

I did not know you were homeschooling!? Wow, super mom! Even if the laundry doesn't get done.

Julie said...

Thanks for the raw look, I have such a challenge doing anything with Eli when jasper is around...he wants to do everything that Eli does. He cries and gets frustrated. It brings my whole day down. if you have any advice, I would love to learn from you