About Me

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Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our Little One Year Old

So most of you know the initial surprised at of finding out about my pregnancy with Jaden. Shock would be a more accurate description. I was scared, overwhelmed and thinking OK God how am I going to take care of 4 kids, two of them 18 month apart (it's actually 17 months - he came 4 weeks early), not to mention my own medical issues happening at the same time. January 2007 was a rough month for me. Well our son was born July 1st at 1:00 in the morning after 6 hours of labor and weighing at a whopping 4lobs 6oz. He was and still is a fighter in his own right, doing things in his own way and time. Amazing how you can see the little things develop from the beginning. Well it has been a bit of a rough year, he is definitely not an easy baby. We are still waiting for a more consistent full night sleep. We were definitely spoiled by Kaleigh and Madison (the easiest babies, EVER). Jaden was not a big eater in the beginning and he barely nursed. He gained a lot of weight initially topping out at 6lbs, but still struggles to keep it on. The poor baby has had strep throat twice, two ear infections and the flu in his short little year of his life. He is barely tipping the scale at 15lbs. He sat up well at 7 months, crawled at 9 months and is pulling himself up to everything. He is very busy - he has lots to do. He has become a really big eater and yet he still does not seem to gain weight. His favorite food is Pasta with meatballs (they have to be beef or he won't eat them, he doesn't like the turkey ones) and pizza.

He has such a sweet disposition, he loves his sisters (as long as they are not trying to pick him up), he lights up when Michael and I walk into a room, he chases us down if we do not pick him up. He gives us these great hugs, snuggles on your shoulder and then is ready to get down again. He loves to play in the dishwasher, I have to put him in the bouncer/excersaucer when I do it to keep him out of it, he screams the whole time. He loves the playroom (its the only carpet in the house-it's easier on his knees and has a lot of toys). He loves to be outdoors, he crawls on the sidewalk he doesn't care if his knees get scraped, he loves to ride in his car (although not too much on the trailer of the bike) but he most of all he loves to be anywhere the action is at. He is also very LOUD, he has definitelyacquired that from his sisters - Loud and Louder.

We prayed for so long for a little boy and when we thought we were not going to have one we were content with that God had provided three beautiful daughters, but what joy this little boy has brought to our family.

Don't get me wrong, most days I am so exhausted I can barely see straight, and it is only through God that I can get through each day, but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.The day he was born, his head was barely the size of Michael's hand.
One month old.

Now my little one year old. Where does the time go?

Can you tell who was more excited to open presents today?

We had his favorite foods today, pizza for lunch and pasta for dinner.

And yes he had a chocolate cupcake for dessert.

My son I pray that you become a man of character, integrity, strength, honor and love that is pleasing to God. That God would use you in a way that makes a difference to the people of the lives that you touch.


Renee said...

He's so cute! I remember being shocked when you found out you were pregnant too. We could tell you were shocked when you sent out the email. We were also so excited for you when you found out you were being blessed by the boy you had prayed for. Happy Birthday Jaden!

Julie said...

Such a cutie... happy birthday!!!! That was a wonderful post, I love those pictures... so precious

Courtney said...

what a SWEET post!!!