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Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.

Monday, August 11, 2008

MY Day

OK so here is how my day went.

Woke up at 7:15 after getting up at 11:45pm, 1:30am (with Jordan and a bloody nose) 1:45am with Jaden (don't know why I bothered going back to sleep) 3:30 with Jaden (refuse to feed him because it was too early, he wasn't hungry anyway, just his usual fussy time because of gas, but he doesn't want to be put down) - back to sleep holding him in my arms, until 4:50am, change his diaper, feed him (he barely eats) and go back to sleep at 5:30am. So after I get up at 7:15 I take a shower, hope that it will help wake me up, Kaleigh follows suit and so does, Madison and finally Jordan. After I get out of the shower and get dressed, I get Madison dressed and Jaden starts to fuss. He starts to get louder as I am finishing up with Madison. Pick him up and change his diaper and get him dressed. I know if I don't do these things before I head downstairs it will completely slow down my day and we may stay in our pajamas until noon. We head downstairs, everyone is well behaved while I make 5 different breakfasts. Cereal with bananas for Madison, frozen pancakes for Jordan, french toast sticks for Kaleigh, Ham and Egg sandwich for me and some Zantac with breast milk for Jaden. He holds out the entire time I'm getting every one's breakfast together, I'm thinking this is going to be a pretty good day. Finish feeding Jaden he seems happy or so I think in his bouncer seat, I take Madison upstairs as she decided to spill all of her cereal on her clothes, and change her outfit. Comeback downstairs and Jaden is fussing, bring him upstairs, and put him down for a nap (in his car seat of course) and close the door to block out some of the noise, he sleeps for about 45 minutes. In this 45 minutes, I sort laundry and throw in a load, the first of at least 12 that needs to be done because I haven't done any in a week, get the girls to the table and do school work with them, trying to keep them busy to eliminate some of the arguing. Madison takes a tumble down the stairs, which of course is so loud it wakes up Jaden (lots of crying now). Comfort Madison, get Jaden and rock him for a little while (he seems inconsolable) I nurse him even though it's barely been 2 hours, he eats and I finish up the game with the older girls and Jordan and Kaleigh do their math and writing. Madison sits to color for a few minutes. I think OK this is working. Everyone finishes and I burp Jaden and put him back in the bouncy seat for a few minutes. Switch the load of laundry to the dryer add another load. Jaden starts to fuss. I tell everyone lets take a walk, everyone gets their shoes on, I get the double stroller out of the car (little guy still screaming) I put him in the car seat, the girls get their bikes and Madison climbs in the front of the stroller, I even take the dog - why not because I don't have enough stress. We take a 20 minute walk through our neighborhood Jaden cries the entire time.Although it feels good to do some kind of exercise again. We get back and everyone gets a drink I swaddle Jaden up because sometimes that helps, he settles down as long as I hold him. The girls play outside for another 1/2 hour, I sit on the rocks watching them. 11:30 we go inside so I can begin making lunch, put Jaden down in the pack and play - he is asleep or so I think. Five minutes later he is screaming while I make sandwiches for the girls a toddler meal for Madison and frozen meal for me. Pick up Jaden he settles down again, wants to just be held (reminiscent of all my girls). We sit down to eat, after the girls watch some TV and Madison finishes up her lunch. I put Jaden down in the bouncy seat, turn on the vibration and bounce it, he seems quiet for a few minutes. Clean up Madison and put her down for a nap, switch the next load of laundry. Jaden starts to fuss, only 15 minutes in the bouncy seat, of course it has almost been three hours so I nurse him while I watch a movie with the girls, I need a nap and tell the girls I won't make it to the end of the movie once I am done. They want me to finish watching with them and after burping Jaden he seems exhausted put him down in the bouncy seat and bounce it again to see if he will stay asleep. He does and I am dozing on the couch while the girls are watching the movie, Jaden is starting to fuss, I pick him up and he settles down, we snuggle on the couch and we both pass out for maybe 1/2 an hour, of course I am holding him. Get up and put him down the dishes need to be done, Madison wakes up from her nap, and the older girls want a snack. They help unload the dishwasher, I get Madison a drink and Jaden is actually quiet. Switch the laundry, and tell the girls we have a 4:15 doctors appt for Jaden's reflux, clean up the dishes nurse Jaden (it's been 3 hours) and make the girls some popcorn and get ready to leave. He actually seems happy for a few minutes, go to the doctor's office (not an easy feet with 4 kids) and get a new prescription. Jaden is screaming, but who can rest when you are in a 10x10 room with 3 very loud sisters, get everyone in the car, which usually settles him but doesn't seem to be doing anything and call Michael. We decided to pickup KFC since it's 5:00 and both of us are too tired to cook. Jaden screams the entire time, we get home Michael picks him up he settles down. I serve dinner on paper plates (who wants to add to the dishes) and we eat of course its almost 6:00 and Jaden needs to eat again. I nurse him after I eat as quickly as I can. Burp him and he seems almost happy and sits quietly in his bouncy seat while I clean the kitchen and go downstairs to switch the laundry. I have at least done 5 loads not quite half the loads I have but at least I will have some clean clothes. Jaden starts to fuss it is almost 7:00. I bring him upstairs, Madison follows, Michael is playing the Wii with the girls. I give Jaden a bath, swaddle him up and put him in the car seat. Give Madison a bath and the girls come upstairs as I am getting her out. Get Madison dressed and help the girls sort through some of the clean laundry for them to put away. Read Madison a story, say prayers, sing her some songs and put her to bed, say good night to the girls - Michael is putting them to bed switch the next load of laundry. I hear Jordan say to Michael "Jaden's been screaming all day." His reply "Is that why you all looked so tired?" Even the girls were fried!! I am literally exhausted and can barely type, it's 9:30 I am going to brush my teeth and of course nurse him again before I go to bed and hope and pray that he will sleep until at least 1:00am so that I can get a couple hours of sleep.

I am exhausted, I did feel like crying a couple of times today but thought OK somewhere deep down I have the strength to get through this day and here it is 9:30 and I've made it and I hope with the new medicine tomorrow will be a better day!


Courtney said...

sounds a lot like my days...but reading it makes it sound CRAZY!!

Brenda said...

...time for a nap after reading that!

Hopefully I'll get to meet them all someday :)