Went to Epcot on Monday....I was excited to go....the girls have been studying Europe and Asia this year so I wanted to see if they remembered anything....and not that they didn't but with all the people and the stimulation it was hard to even remember my own name...LOL...
Our original plan was that we would go early in the morning...not too early because after all it is hard to get 5 kids and 3 adults out at a reasonable hour...I digress though...our original plan was for us to go early come back to the condo for an afternoon siesta and return after 4 pm for dinner. Well let me tell you that
did not happen. We were there the entire day, and the kids did pretty good. There were a few complaints about going back so they could go swimming...it was 90 degrees after all...it was HOT...but it was a nice weather because even though it was hot it wasn't too humid.

We drove over to the Swan and Dolphin hotel and then took a boat ride over.

This is in England where the boat lets you out....

How many kids can you fit in a phone booth...and for those of you who watch Dr. Who...I don't know if that's the phone both.

They had an awesome butterfly habitat on display..beautiful...only 3 of the 5 kids liked it, but it was a neat experience.

To get out of the sun we went to the imagination station and Jaden loves Fire trucks so we had to take pictures of it.

They also got to play this game called the Great Piggy Bank Adventure it teaches them all about setting goals with money and not spending what you don't have.

I thought it was interesting a lot of the techniques they used because Michael and I had just finished our Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Class and the games used a lot of the same principles...diversifying your money, etc.

This game they really liked it taught them how to save their money but to not keep it all in one place.

Kaleigh and Madison reached their goal and were able to save their money and go on a vacation.

Outside the Nemo Ride.

This is what he did while we waited.

Outside of the Mexico Plaza.

Inside the Mexico water ride, it's kind of like it's a small world decorated with dolls from Mexico.

I like the art work that are all over the walls.

This is the walls from Norway.

Between Norway and Mexico we got to meet Donald... This little boy was so excited..he didn't know what to do with himself.

Walking by the Italy plaza.

The only thing Kaleigh really wanted was the fan waterbottle and a folding fan.

It was the garden festival through out Epcot and there were some beautiful designs, this one I actually got to take a picture of the kids in front. Lady and the Tramp.

A dance contest the kids were in.

Kaleigh and Yael...my nephew.. made the last three finalist.

Kaleigh came in first and Yael second...it was so much fun to watch...
Unfortunately they didn't win anything...not even an ice cream but they are all winners in my book.

Love Yael in this hat from China I wish I would have caught him looking.

They were hanging tough by the end of the night, but they had fun...good thing the next day was a resting day.