We had a
rough week around here, actually it started last week with Kaleigh getting strep throat and quite possibly the flu before I left for the weekend to attend the womens retreat. I came home
full and when I say full I mean full of joy, peace that recharge you get when you are connected with God without all the other distractions. Well it didn't last long and I knew I would be under attack, I just did not know how much I would be under attack. Well while I was gone, Jaden got the flu,
he would be the next child by Wed he was starting to feel better and then by Thursday Jordan was complaining about stomach pains and headaches. I didn't take any chances because of all the germs that were going around our house, but good news she didn't have the flue, but she did have strep.....key sign the stomach ache, always happens to us. But guess who woke up this morning with a
belly ache....yep child number 3 or should I call her Madison. So not only has every child in my house hold been sick, but Jaden has been extra ordinarily ornery. He can't make up his mind about anything and his temper tantrums are out of control. It's down right sucking the joy out of me. By the way did I mention I came home from the retreat with a bit of a head cold.....yeah, haven't had a good night sleep all week. So glad it's the weekend and so glad the hubby is home. OK going to get off my ranting now.

We had been planning to send Flat Stanley to India about a month ago (we hope it makes it there...I'm a a little concerned), we finally got around to finishing him. He needed to be the right size. We made 2 just in case the first one gets lost. Hoping that my sister will then send Stanley to Rene and Damien in Thailand and they will take pictures of him in Thailand, hopefully before they have to leave the country....but I know they only have to leave for a short time until they are back in Thailand. My sister generously offered to send him to Thailand since it was probably cheaper than sending him back here first and then to Thailand so hopefully this Stanley will make it around the world.

Yes all the kids helped but I let Jordan stuff him in the envelope while the other kids sat on the bench and waited for me to be done, glad the post office was empty, it wasn't a good day for a long wait.

We'll be looking for pictures of Stanley in India sometime in the next month. By the way if you want to track him in India, my sisters blog is
Experiencing the World One Country at a Time, check it out she has some really interesting pictures on her blog, wish she could put all her pictures from Facebook on to her blog, it gives India almost two identities.