Took the kids to DC to see the first annual Science and Engineering Fair. I have two girls who LOVE anything to do with experiments and science. It was a beautiful fall day and I convinced Michael to go into DC. He is normally pretty easy about doing things except to take 4 kids into places where there will be large crowds. He is always worried about a child getting lost or taken because we are outnumbered. But I told him if we went early enough and kept Madison and Jaden in the strollers we should be OK. For the most part it was great. Unfortunately we only got to see like 1/8th of what they had to show. The fair spanned all of the mall between the museums and like 5 blocks on Pennsylvania Avenue. It was great and because it was so spread out it didn't feel overly crowded. Now don't get me wrong it was crowded especially trying to get into some of the booths but for the most part things moved pretty well. We went to the PBS section where they had most of the kids stuff, and still some of it was a little above my kids heads but they loved it. We of course brought home bags of stuff.

This little guy loves dinosaurs and he loved this robotic one, it was very cool. He is from the show Dinosaur Train on PBS, it was cute to watch him interact with it.

Making bird feeders with stale bagels, crisco and bird seed. Hung them outside on Sunday

and with the storm one blew away, have to hang the others to see if the birds will want some


They had to guess what the smell was in the cup to get a prize.

This is a huge big deal for a girl who is
very sensitive to smell, touch, noise and taste, so proud of her for trying it and guessing correctly.
Unfortunately that's all we could get pictures of especially when you are trying to keep moving so two little ones don't get bored.