About Me

- Michelle
- Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sleep Study
Since Kaleigh was 3 she has had night terrors to which all the doctors have told us she would out grow them. Well over the years she hasn't out grown them and we have figured out some of the triggers like certain medications, hunger pains and very large tonsils (not that we didn't think this was the cause a long time ago). We finally got the ENT to send us to a sleep specialist.
So last night Kaleigh and I spent a night at the pediatric sleep center in Purcellville, Virginia. The people there are great, very good with kids and patient. The facility is clean and very quiet. Wouldn't you know she barely had an episode (only a little one about 4 in the morning), but she snored A LOT, so I'm going to guess those tonsils will be going in the future but since I'm not the expert we'll see what they say. It will take about 2 1/2 weeks for them to get back to us (kind of long really) but since the man who watched over us last night didn't seem like things were too urgent I guess I shouldn't worry. It is weird to see your child hooked up to every wire and still sleep pretty well. Don't know if I would have done so well without any assistance.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sharing a Milk Shake
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Pool Day
We are trying to keep cool in the sweltering heat, although I'm not complaining, we are trying to enjoy the pool as much as we can while we are around and it's open.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Baby Bird - Updated
Found the picture of the eggs in the birds nest.

Somewhere I have pictures of this from the beginning, but over the spring a robin made a nest in a bush off our deck. The robin laid four eggs, every day the girls would check on the nest. One of the eggs fell out of the nest shortly after we discovered it...not going to mention what happened to that egg. When we left on vacation there were three eggs in the nest and the mother robin was just keeping it warm. When we got back from vacation, only one egg was left and it had cracked open. The next day the baby bird was flopping around, it was hard to tell if it was going to make it, but every day they checked on the bird.
I wish this was more in focus but you could see him opening his mouth for food. Every day he got bigger and bigger, some days it was hard to tell because the mother robin still sat on him to keep him warm. Eventually he began looking like a mini version of the mom and today when the girls checked the nest he was gone. I don't know if they were excited or sad, we have seen this living science experiment right in our back yard. Very cool.

Somewhere I have pictures of this from the beginning, but over the spring a robin made a nest in a bush off our deck. The robin laid four eggs, every day the girls would check on the nest. One of the eggs fell out of the nest shortly after we discovered it...not going to mention what happened to that egg. When we left on vacation there were three eggs in the nest and the mother robin was just keeping it warm. When we got back from vacation, only one egg was left and it had cracked open. The next day the baby bird was flopping around, it was hard to tell if it was going to make it, but every day they checked on the bird.

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Jordan
My oldest turned 9. How did that happen? Time has gone by so fast with this sweet girl. She almost always wants to help, she wants to love on everyone...sometimes even if you don't need help. She's walking the line between wanting to be a little girl and a preteen. She wants to stay up later than her siblings, she wants to do things big girls do...some things she's definitely not ready to do.. but through it all her ability to love people unconditionally is amazing. She can see things in ways I never knew, sometimes I underestimate her, but willingness to let people see her for who she is, is amazing, there are no pretenses with her. I hope it stays that way.
Some of the things she loves is horseback riding (a new passion), American Girl Dolls and books, anything that has to do with science...she always wants to do experiments or invent something, she wants to be a chef some day(we got her a cook book for her birthday, at least she is willing to try new foods under the guise of chef).
I love her smile, her spirit, even when she makes me crazy, she's my daughter and she'll always be my baby.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Beach Pictures
Went to the beach this year, some years we get to go, some years we don't. It just depends on our schedule, but we usually enjoy our down time and time spent with Michael's family. The kids love their cousins, the weather was pretty nice and even though I wasn't able to do too much, getting bronchitis the second day we were there, we managed to enjoy some of ourselves.
The resort we go to has lots of family activities some of which we did and some I didn't get pictures of, like home run derby. They had water balloon toss,

they came out pretty good.
One of the best things this year was a heated pool in our back yard, we couldn't keep the kids out
especially since the ocean water was a mere 65 degrees, the pool was like taking a bath.
The pool was 4 feet at it's deepest part..the center.. and 6 inches at one end, it was perfect for our little swimmer, except when she decided to mover her arm floats to only one arm and realized she couldn't float....Thanks Michele for jumping in fully clothed.
Even though the weather was pretty nice, we didn't spend as much time one the beach, but at least they got to build one sandcastle (OK airplane)...somewhere my sister in law has pictures of them in a car they made.
It wasn't crowded, which was nice but the girls were disappointed that it was too cold to go boogie boarding.
I didn't realize I made the type to small to read but this is what it says next to the arrow. "only sighting of teenage nephew...he wasn't too interested in a family vacation, but it was good to see him anyway.

An evening stroll looking for crabs....guess which kids are missing...MINE..except Kaleigh, she's the only one brave enough to go with her cousins in search of crabs.
what you can't see is my cup of tea that I carried for 6 days straight, but I tried not to let it get to me.

shuffle board

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