OK now that I have had a little time off to regenerate my batteries I'm feeling pretty well rested, so I'm back in the saddle of blogging.
Recap first.
Michael and I had the opportunity to spend four days in San Diego when he had to go on a business trip so we flew out a few days earlier and just spent some time together. It was the first time we had the chance to go away together in 5 years so it was really nice. I missed the kids the first day but by day two and three after I decompressed I was in good shape. Unfortunately Michael was under the weather the first couple of days but I was grateful he plowed through it and didn't let it slow him down.

I loved La
Jolla, I loved the beaches, we had wonderful weather, I wouldn't say super warm but it was low 60's in the middle of the day, so it was really nice. I really enjoyed the seal cove, it was cute to watch the baby seal pups swimming around.

This was cool. In Balboa Park they had this International Village and I took a picture of the House of
Puerto Rico.

At Balboa Park

The Botanical Gardens were beautiful.

The biggest organ I have ever seen,the pipes in the back round are enormous.

Spent a day at the zoo, of course this was the day I missed the kids because every where around me there were families, note to self, do not go to a family place first day of vacation with out kids.

Sweet baby panda in a hammock

These peacocks are walking around with out any gates they just walk around the park waiting for people to drop food I guess, there were like 10 of them walking around it was crazy.
We got to drive up the coast not too far to Del Mar and we ate at the Gas Lamp Quarter in down town, as well as Old Town which was good Mexican food.
One of the best part was that I got to use my spa gift certificate Michael gave me almost 2 years ago for Christmas and got the best massage and facial ever and still had part of my gift certificate left so over so I can have a pedicure this summer.
It was a good trip.
I came back sick and was home for approximately 36 hours before I went to a Ladies Retreat, which was great, we had an amazing speaker, it was nice to catch up with some ladies and continue my recharge.
I've now been back a week and half and still feel pretty good, now were trying to ramp up for testing, and some traveling to Boston for my sisters graduation so we are all pretty excited.