Trying to catch up through Christmas so I can start blogging for our new year...
If you click on each collage it will open up the picture in a new tab and make the picture bigger.
Had a good Christmas, the kids stayed home the whole day, had Michael's parents Christmas eve and Christmas day. The kids had a great day, they stayed in their pajamas until about 3:00 in the afternoon, to which they changed clothes just for dinner and got in their new American girl pajamas for bed. At least I made them all brush their teeth before they went downstairs to open presents.

Three days before Christmas the kids made the annual Gingerbread house or in this case Gingerbread Village. Everyone had a house to decorate and lots of candy to eat. We almost attempted to make our own gingerbread but we couldn't add another thing to our already packed schedule.

And just for good measure, we went to the Great Wolf Lodge the week before Christmas. They have a homeschool discount that is almost less than half what it would cost per night. They do it a few times a year, Feb, Sept and Dec. So basically for the price of one night at the regular rate, we stayed for two. If you get the chance, take advantage, even if you have to take a day or two off from school. I wish I would have remembered to take a picture of the room, but if you click on the sight, it's the wolf den room, it was perfect for our family of 6.
We all had a great time and we loved it, we're hoping to do it again, but this time we will will know, swimming in the pool all day plus partying at night, does not make for some happy children, even with a mid day rest. Lesson for all.....all fun in moderation.....but I still would do it again.