About Me

- Michelle
- Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.
Friday, May 29, 2009
OH the potty training continues
Some success, still lots of accident's day 4, hoping that we get a better swing of it over the weekend. I have to leave this house and would like to do so in only underwear but I'm not that brave yet, a pull up it is.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Potty Training
OH how I hate potty training. It is my least favorite thing to do, I think I even hate it more than the dentist. But I assured myself as soon as Kaleigh was done with preschool we would begin potty training Madison. Since I would be home for several days consecutively. I would really like to not have to buy any more packages of size 6 diapers (yes you read it right the girl is in size 6, her thighs are pretty thick). But here we are on day 2 and we have had 2 successes and 8 accidents, uuugggghh. I hate cleaning up after all those accidents. We have her favorite Dora panties and potty seats hoping that it would help, she's was so excited but she still is not completely getting it. Well let's try for day 3 tomorrow and see how it goes.
Monday, May 25, 2009
10th Anniversary
This year Michael and I celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary, May 23, 1999. About a year ago I said to Michael I want to do something really special for our 10th Anniversary, we should really celebrate it because 10 years is a long time and we are still crazy about each other, you don't always see that in couples today, especially after 4 kids. So I suggested we renew our wedding vows. Which he said NO, we went on a huge vacation (we spent a week at Disney) and we are having our 4th child, the expense alone will be a bit much. So about 6 weeks ago, he says to me well I've been trying to plan this whole surprise wedding vow renewal ceremony and I can't do it without your help. I was very excited, not just that he changed his mind, but that we was actually trying to surprise me with it (although a little scary at the thought of him doing it without my help, you would have thought he would know better than since I'm such a control freak). How do you plan a party like that in 6 short weeks, to make matters worse, don't know if you this but... raising 4 kids a little crazy and overwhelming at times. So we called a few places, we knew we wanted something quaint and small, not a big hall or party place and we found this place on - line. The Old Angler's Inn, in Potomac, Maryland. It's mostly an out door restaurant, so you could say we were taking a gamble on the weather. It has some indoor area but we liked the out door space they have called the Beer Garden. Open area plenty of space for the kids to run and play, very important. Well as you know life gets in the way so we wound up not putting all our efforts into it until about 2 weeks ago and then we had to rush to put stuff together. However, I had to keep reminding myself that the day wasn't about the menu or the invitations or the flowers but the fact that I was renewing my vows with Michael, and at the end of the day as long as we were there with the kids it was all going to be great. I love being married to Michael he is just an awesome husband and father. He always tries his best to put our needs before his own and I know that God specifically picked him for me, and for that I am so thankful. So remembering that he is my husband and he loves me no matter what put it all into perspective. Of course arriving back from the salon at 11:30 when we are about to leave in 15 minutes not being dressed or having any make up on, or spending the entire week running around getting stuff like flower arrangements, dresses for the girls, shoes for me and being sick (both Michael and I have colds) was definitely not a highlight. What was a highlight was standing there with my wonderful husband who loves me emmensly and saying our vows before our family and some friends. Of course in the chaos I cannot believe we did not get one photo with any of our parents or my brother and sister. How crazy was that.
We wanted to make sure the kid were involved since they are a big part of this.
Jordan wanted to know when our next wedding was going to be.

Love the things you can do with Picnik.

The kids had plenty of space to run and play.
Javier our best man at our wedding, he and his wife just moved back into town 2 months ago, it was so special to have him and his lovely wife Lisa there to share in our special day.. again.
Then we ate.
My sweet boy.

The cake Michael made for our event, whimsical like us.
I love this picture of my brother and Jaden he just passed out poor little boy.
Jordan wanted to know when our next wedding was going to be.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Preschool Graduation
OK so I am in complete denial that Kaleigh will be going to Kindergarten in the fall. A time when I should be looking forward to only 2 children in the house and well I can't think of any other benefit. I am so not ready for my sweet little girl to be going off to kindergarten and ALL DAY kindergarten at that. I know I am going to have a hard time with her gone all day. It took me forever to get over Jordan being gone, but Kaleigh is such a huge help and good company, I will miss not having so much time to spend with her. Although it will be cute to watch her go on the school bus if only for a second after I cry my eyes out. All the previous week before graduation I kept telling her we were going to email her teacher and tell her that she could not graduate, that she would be staying in preschool one more year, she didn't buy it. She is so excited, breaks my heart even more.

This is the singing program before the graduation ceremony, very cute and Kaleigh was very loud. What a difference a year makes, considering the first year she kept her finger in her nose (we were so proud), the second year she played with her dress and hair and this year she actually sang, I guess third times the charm.

This is the singing program before the graduation ceremony, very cute and Kaleigh was very loud. What a difference a year makes, considering the first year she kept her finger in her nose (we were so proud), the second year she played with her dress and hair and this year she actually sang, I guess third times the charm.
The video is her singing a song they learned in Russian about two geese.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Rolly Boy
I really hate play dough, it gets in the carpet and you can't get it out, it get's on clothes and it's just so messy and we have a hard enough time keeping up with housekeeping in our house, but you add play dough and yuck it's disgusting. BUT.... my kids love it, they absolutely love playing with it and it's really good for fine motor skills, so I sucked it up and let them play with it today they had so much fun. Even Madison who I've kept away so she wouldn't eat it but she really did well.
Steak Dinner

Haircut Part 2
OK so you all know how much Michael hated the first haircut that I took Jaden to get, well this weekend he took Jaden to get his second haircut and I absolutely hate it. It's too short!! It's somebody else's little boy, there are no curls left, it's killing me. Good thing hair grows back and his seems to grow back fast.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Thank you for the Sinus Rinse

We have really bad allergies in our family, and unfortunately my kids seem to have all gotten them (The jury is still out on Jaden, but it seems Madison s falling into that category...runny nose for 8 days with no other symptoms). So after talking to some people I have invested in a nasal sinus rinse for our family. What a huge difference. After 2 uses (you use it once in the morning and once at night) Jordan has been symptom free - little to no runny nose and no coughing from the post nasal drip. Kaleigh took a few more times because she was completely backed up (coughing all weekend from the post nasal drip) - She also took a little more coxing to do it, but since Tuesday morning she is so much better, very little runny nose, and little to no coughing from the post nasal drip. She is still coughing a little, mostly because she loves to be outside and the pollen just gets right in there and really aggravates her (but she is completely clear when she goes to bed and when she wakes up.) A cheap solution that is not a prescription, they are still taking Zyrtec for Kaleigh and Allegra for Jordan but they are so much better than they have been all season. June here we come, clearing out the pollen.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day

Thursday, May 7, 2009
10 Months Old
I can't believe it's 10 months already, don't get your hopes up he's still not sleeping. If it's not one thing it's another. He has gained some weight (YEAH) 14lbs 8oz almost a pound in a month, but he is also cutting teeth at the same time and now has a cold, so at some point, don't know when that will be we will get some teeth. For now he is still not crawling, he rolls every where he needs to go, can pull himself up, eats some table food, he's not a big fan of texture, but does really like pasta and grapes. So we keep loading him up and eventually we know he will be totally on table food. I can't figure out how my kids all come from the same gene pool and still can be so different. Kaleigh and Madison would only eat table food by now it's crazy. He just keeps proving to me that he is going to do things at his own pace.

She loves him so much.
The only sunny part of the Week
I'm so sick of the weather here, although I should not complain, we need the rain so we don't have a drought, but really my kids are having some serious cabin fever. We had a small break yesterday afternoon so I took three of them for a walk and a bike ride. Yes Madison is riding a bike it's crazy.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Slubmer Party in Jordan's Bed
She loves her Dad
Jordan has been in Girl Scouts for 2 years and really enjoys doing it. They have done a Father/Daughter dance in the spring and she loves to go with her Michael, it's their special time together. Kaleigh can't wait until next year to join GS, she can't wait to be a Daisy. This is the picture she took before they left, she is such a Daddy's girl.
Friday, May 1, 2009
My Verse for Today
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isa 41:10
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isa 41:10
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