About Me

- Michelle
- Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What I learned in 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Love Dare
It's from a movie called Fireproof, about a marriage about to crumble (no we are not crumbling - I really wanted to see it when it came out - I posted about it when it did - but as you can imagine babysitting for four kids - 2 very small is not too easy, I can't wait until they get a little older), but not having done a couples devotional in a while we decided to do it together and we just started it. I thought OK we have a great marriage this shouldn't be too hard, it will keep us reading and praying together, HA!!.
Day one - Love is patient - Go the entire day without a negative word toward your spouse (I FAILED THAT ONE).
Day Two = Love is kind, do one random act of kindness. (Failed that one too - by the end of the day at home with all the kids, I could only manage a snuggle before bed) I'm 0 for 2 here.
Day three + (do day one and day two as well as three day three) buy your spouse an unexpected gift (since it was just Christmas, we set a $5 limit), I have done OK today although, I was able to be patient, did not do the kindness thing, the night is not over yet, and I bought Michael his favorite ice cream from the store (any kind with peanut butter - we don't usually have it because Kaleigh is allergic and he doesn't want her to feel bad that she can't have any - I bought her some ice pops).
So I'm trying really hard here, but not doing so well, better than day one though. At the end of the book it has 20 questions to ask your mate while on a date or some quiet time, I can't wait to get to that part. Right now we just need to get through the next 40 days.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
New Shoes
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
So Funny I had to copy it, it made me laugh so hard
i'm sorry
..i'm sorry, but would whoever put all those piles of dirty clothes in my house please come and wash them and fold them and put them away??
...and the same person must have made my 3 year old act like, well, a 3 year old. could you fix that? (except mine is 22months)
..and could you also make dinner every night this week since i have no idea what to make.
..and wrap the gifts...that is, if you can find them in the basement (our garage) that looks like a tornado went through it.
..and, while you're at it, could you get these 10 extra pounds off my hips/butt/thighs/stomach?
thanks! i appreciate it!
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Some Days
Monday, December 8, 2008
The below videos
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Just the Same Old Same Old
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A New Name
Can't seem to keep her clothes on, climbs everything in sight, including counters, bunk beds, tables, or escapes out of her crib..ALREADY!!! She's not even 2. Maybe I can just call her TODDLER AMAZING!!! It suites her.
Check out that wild hair!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
My 5month Old
Tae Kwon Do - White Belts
Happy Thanksgiving
We had a good Thanksgiving the kids traveled really well, even Jaden. once we understood the issues we were able to address them, the ride up on Thursday took 7 hours a normal ride is 5-5 1/2 so a little longer than expected, but the ride home was even longer 8 1/2 hours, Jaden had had enough around 7 1/2 and proceeded to cry the last 45 minutes. Made for a long ride but we made it home and we were glad we had Sunday to do nothing but recover. Of course with the little guy being sick with a fever and up all night since Wednesday, pretty much the only one's who got any sleep were the girls. Sorry this seems like a downer but just stating the hard facts. 4 of my kids is hard.
I am thankful for teh fact that I got to see my family, and some friends that part is always good, it is hard to travel with a family of 6 and try to find enough space for us to be comfortable, I am grateful to my parents for sqeezing us in even if it is a little tight.