The tooth fairy has been pretty busy in our house lately as Kaleigh lost her 2nd tooth in a two week time frame and Jordan is losing one as well, the tooth fairy's going to go broke in our house.
About Me

- Michelle
- Wife to the most amazing and loving husband, mother of four of the most beautiful children, child of a loving and gracious God.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
This Past 2 Weeks
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Good Bye Binky
Took the girls (Jordan and Kaleigh) to the dentist to have a regular cleaning, which they did great, but he told Madison to hop up in the chair just so he could see what the future was for her and her teeth. First she is completely opposite of the other girls she has plenty of room for all the teeth in her mouth as compared to her sisters who have absolutely no room for teeth, something we have to be careful of with them, but he said Madison's teeth would be perfect and beautiful IF we took away her pacifier now. AAAGGGGHHHH, I'm not ready to deal with that battle, she loves her binky, not as much as Jordan did we got rid of hers at age 3, but a little more than Kaleigh her's was gone by 15 months with little issue, so when I came home from the dentist and put her down for her nap I told her that the binky's had to go bye-bye. Actually she seemed OK with it, she asked for her blankie, which sounds a lot like binky but that was OK. Gave her the blanket and her stuffed dolls and she after about and hour and half of talking in her bed to her dolls and some mild complaining about wanting her binky she fell asleep for 45 minutes. Put her to bed last night again no binky, only her blanket and dolls and she went right to sleep didn't complain at all. HUH, we'll see how this goes tonight. She's still under the weather and so is Jaden so maybe not feeling well has her exhausted but she seem to do OK. Maybe it was just me letting her hang on to babydom.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A visit from the Tooth Fairy
A Huge Blessing
This past year in January or February of this year our shepard group (small bible study group) broke off to form another group. As if we had not been blessed by the group we had been in, we were in it for almost 4 years but our current group is simply wonderful. They are very godly people with a heart for service. One of the mom's has offered to bring Kaleigh home from preschool so I don't have to disturb Madison's nap, and on Friday two couple offered to come over to our house and babysit our 4 children along with their 3 for a total of 7 kids so Michael and I can go out for dinner. It was so nice to have dinner together, I had dessert first and then my meal (how fun was that) we had adult conversation (amazingly not centered on our kids) and we weren't too tired to have a conversation at 8 - 9 o'clock at night. Thank you Osborne's and Garn's you have truly blessed our family and we can't thank you enough.
OK so not only were we sick not too long ago, at least 3 of our kids were and Michael and I but the kids were sick AGAIN this past week. It started the week of Halloween, with Kaleigh and a sinus infection and then I had to take Jordan and Madison to the doctor on Halloween, Jordan with a sinus infection and Madison with strep throat. Then over last weekend Jaden caught a virus and has since spiraled into a nasty croupey lung thing. So now I am nebulizing three kids, Kaleigh at least 2 times a day and Jaden every 4 -6 hours including the middle of the night so any hope of sleep this week has been dashed. I was awake last night at 1:30, brought him to bed with me and nursed him to sleep, he woke up choking at 3:30 took him back to his room, nebbed him and fed him again, got back to bed at 4:30, he sounded like he could barely breathe. I go get dressed, because at this point I think I am going to take him to the ER at 5:00 in the morning, Michael suggests I give him a minute to see if the nebulizer treatment works first because it always makes Kaleigh cough for a little while at first and then she can get some air. I check on him at 5:00 and he is sound asleep. I go back to bed only to be woken up by him at 5:30 hacking away. I pick him up and it seems to clear him up, and he falls right back to sleep in my arms with a pacifier and so I decide to bring him back to bed with me so I can hold him up, his bed by the way is at an angle which he starts on the top of the bed and eventually works his way down to the flat part so he starts out Ok but ends up at the bottom. Not a big issue except when you can't breathe. So after coming back to bed with me at 5:30 he sleeps until 7:00 when everyone gets up. It's been a long night and Michael and I promised Jordan and Kaleigh we would take them to the movies, I'm hoping not to fall asleep. We take them to see High School Musical 3, it's hard to believe the price of a matinee for a family of 4 is $30. I guess we won't be going to the movies as a family of 6, that plus popcorn and you have spent $45 total, for 2 hours. How crazy is that, thank goodness we only go once a year. The girls had a great time, I didn't fall asleep and my mother - in - law had a happy toddler and baby who actually was great for her. Took a bottle and slept when he was supposed to and he seems to be a little better this afternoon hope we have a good night.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
From My friend Courntey
Americans spend 450 billion dollars a year on Christmas.
It would cost 10 billion dollars to SOLVE the issue of clean drinking water COMPLETELY.does that hit anyone else like it hits me?what are we DOING?!??!?!?go here to donate if that's all you need to hear.keep reading if you need to hear more.(brace yourselves...this might be long.)i KNOW we're in this "crazy" economy right now. and everyone is worried about jobs and money and gas prices, etc, etc.well, when your child says, "i'm thirsty, mom!" today, are you worried about it? do you think, "what am i going to do? we don't HAVE any water? and if we do, and they drink it, they might get a disease and DIE?"probably not.yes, we have things to think about (jobs, money...) but let's keep things in perspective!i truly believe that we can solve this problem.over. done.EVERYONE can have water to drink if we just open our eyes and give a little bit (or a LOT!) of our hearts and money.
don't you want to be a part of this thing?(not that you would do it for that reason.)but something BIG is going to happen here...and you could be part of it!the lack of access to clean drinking water is the LEADING cause of death in underdeveloped countries.and we can CHANGE that!4500 children die EVERY day due to water related diseases.and we CAN change that!$20 gives a person clean drinking water FOR THEIR WHOLE LIFE!$5000 digs a well for an entire village.
so, are you ready to do something?To donate:-go here-mail your check here: Charity Global, 150 Varick Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Make the checks out to Charity Global and be sure to write Water For Christmas in the memo lines.-if you don't want to deal with that, get your money to me and I'll get it where it needs to go(FYI: this organization is EXCELLENT. they don't just go in and build these wells and leave. they TEACH the village how to MAINTAIN the well to continue giving them clean water.)Ideas...-use this as an opportunity to TEACH your kids about giving and the poor“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me….To the extent that you did it to one of these, even the least of them, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:35,40)-give your kids one less gift this Christmas. i don't think they will miss it. give the money you would have spent.-every little bit counts. choose NOT to get the diet coke from Chick Fil A and donate that $1.63 instead. (sadly, that's a hard one for me...)
-literally GIVE the gift of water. a girl is making bracelets in her ETSY shop to buy and the proceeds go to clean water! i think Tshirts will be coming soon...give a bracelet or tshirt as a gift instead of that lotion or sweater that he never would have worn anyways.
-and PLEASE pass this on! put the button in the top right corner of my blog on your blog. email people and tell them to check this out. talk about it. PRAY about it.
want to read more? Jody, Cassie, Tesi (and others) are the ones that launched this whole thing.
read their hearts. (about clean water and other things - they are just amazing women!)
and then GO!!!
we can DO this!!!
(i'm so excited i can hardly sit still here in my seat!!!)
Americans spend 450 billion dollars a year on Christmas.
It would cost 10 billion dollars to SOLVE the issue of clean drinking water COMPLETELY.does that hit anyone else like it hits me?what are we DOING?!??!?!?go here to donate if that's all you need to hear.keep reading if you need to hear more.(brace yourselves...this might be long.)i KNOW we're in this "crazy" economy right now. and everyone is worried about jobs and money and gas prices, etc, etc.well, when your child says, "i'm thirsty, mom!" today, are you worried about it? do you think, "what am i going to do? we don't HAVE any water? and if we do, and they drink it, they might get a disease and DIE?"probably not.yes, we have things to think about (jobs, money...) but let's keep things in perspective!i truly believe that we can solve this problem.over. done.EVERYONE can have water to drink if we just open our eyes and give a little bit (or a LOT!) of our hearts and money.
don't you want to be a part of this thing?(not that you would do it for that reason.)but something BIG is going to happen here...and you could be part of it!the lack of access to clean drinking water is the LEADING cause of death in underdeveloped countries.and we can CHANGE that!4500 children die EVERY day due to water related diseases.and we CAN change that!$20 gives a person clean drinking water FOR THEIR WHOLE LIFE!$5000 digs a well for an entire village.
so, are you ready to do something?To donate:-go here-mail your check here: Charity Global, 150 Varick Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10013. Make the checks out to Charity Global and be sure to write Water For Christmas in the memo lines.-if you don't want to deal with that, get your money to me and I'll get it where it needs to go(FYI: this organization is EXCELLENT. they don't just go in and build these wells and leave. they TEACH the village how to MAINTAIN the well to continue giving them clean water.)Ideas...-use this as an opportunity to TEACH your kids about giving and the poor“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me….To the extent that you did it to one of these, even the least of them, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:35,40)-give your kids one less gift this Christmas. i don't think they will miss it. give the money you would have spent.-every little bit counts. choose NOT to get the diet coke from Chick Fil A and donate that $1.63 instead. (sadly, that's a hard one for me...)
-literally GIVE the gift of water. a girl is making bracelets in her ETSY shop to buy and the proceeds go to clean water! i think Tshirts will be coming soon...give a bracelet or tshirt as a gift instead of that lotion or sweater that he never would have worn anyways.
-and PLEASE pass this on! put the button in the top right corner of my blog on your blog. email people and tell them to check this out. talk about it. PRAY about it.
want to read more? Jody, Cassie, Tesi (and others) are the ones that launched this whole thing.
read their hearts. (about clean water and other things - they are just amazing women!)
and then GO!!!
we can DO this!!!
(i'm so excited i can hardly sit still here in my seat!!!)
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